Artists Statement
“I don’t follow rules. My work is intuitive and explorative. This is how I grow as an artist. It doesn’t bother me that some of my work may be obtuse, as having to explain my work or justify it, restricts my process. Through my paints, brushes, canvas, and ideas I share personal perspectives that may or may not speak to an observer. Each piece allows me to reinvent myself as an artist.”
– Derek Olson

Derek Olson recreates natural and man-shaped environments through his unique and personal viewpoint. A limited and saturated palette translates the atmospheric depth, light and colour providing the viewer with the essence of the place. Building on what has been established as magic surrealism, Derek creates personal works that draw upon his free association, dreams, and the unconscious. He captures the viewer with fantastical and dreamlike environments. Like other contemporary artists, Derek employs a wide variety of techniques that are not bound by a specific style. As a painter, Derek works primarily with acrylic on canvas.
Derek has been a member of the Regina Art Collective (RAC) for 3 years. You can learn more about Derek Olson and view additional work on his studio website.